Sunday 30 September 2018

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 26: The Gold

Eddie is thinking about what General Ringer did to destroyed General Twister, Louise tell him that General Twister gone now and next move on. The Eyer ask Vrox thinking about if Vrox was a Kamen Rider, Vrox will like it. Professor Limer got Kamen Rider Gold The New Evil Rider, Slinder and the others are like it so much. So Professor Limer put wireless cable into Vrox's computer network transfer to Kamen Rider Gold, The Eyer ask Vrox is it working. Vrox know it's' working now and he will fight with Kamen Riders. Eddie thinks Vrox will plan War, Sgt Carr don't know yet. Katherine tells the others look at on CCTV, and they saw New Kamen Rider. Eddie and the others go see him. Eddie and his friends to meet new Kamen Rider Gold, Kyle can hear Vrox's voice. Eddie didn't know Vrox is Kamen Rider, so they transform to Kamen Riders and they fighting him. Vrox was nearly to kill Eddie, but Sgt Carr save him from Vrox. Vrox haven't seen Sgt Mason Carr for long time, so Sgt Carr was going to fight him. But Vrox is going back to his place. At Police Swat Kyle tell Sgt Carr, who's got that Kamen Rider Gold Suit?. Sgt Carr he don't know who brought it, Eddie will fighting him again, Sgt Carr tell him he's very dangerous enemy of us. Slinder ask Vrox he's is like his suit, Vrox love in it. Vrox tell Slinder would like help him to Kamen Riders, Slinder will be happy to help Vrox. Katherine tells Sgt Carr and the others that Vrox is back and his with Slinder, Eddie and his friend are back for another fight and they transform to Riders. Kamen Rider System and Kyle are fighting Slinder, Eddie and Sgt Carr are fighting Vrox. Eddie using his Wild type speed and Rider System using Relic mode and they attacking them. but Slinder and Vrox nearly destroy, but they go back to Vrox's place. Vrox is go back to his computer network when Professor Limer is doing Kamen Rider Gold to rebooted, Vrox will go back to His Rider Suit later. Sgt Carr tell everyone that Vrox is ready for another fight with us.