Saturday 19 December 2020

Sunday 22 November 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight: Episode 19 & 20 Countdown To Launch


Part 1

Andy is worried about what they going to with Dr.Lopper?, Amy tell him that we going to saved him. At Grumer's ship, Master Grumer & Lord Grimer glad to see Dr.Julian Looper. Dr.Looper tell Master Grumer that The Riders will save him!, Master Grumer will tell Scorpio & Vesper going to fight kamen riders.

So Scorpio & Vesper are ready face the riders, but Master Grumer want Wolfgane to stay here. Wolfgane will take Dr.Looper to his room, Lord Grimer tell Master Grumer this is war for them.

Andy and his friends saw Grumer's ship is here, but Scorpio & Vesper to see them and ready to fight and they sending Nintrons as well. Andy, Amy & Greg are transform to Kamen Riders, Andy is fighting Vesper, Amy fight Scorpio, and Greg is fight Nintrons. But Vesper told Scorpio to keep her save from them, Andy using his Rocket Blast Mode & Greg using Gold Mode. Andy is target and blast at Vesper and Greg is using his Solar Gold punch to her, and Vesper is gone now. But Scorpio wasn't happy that they kill her.

Amy ask Andy & Greg to find Dr.Looper, she going fight her alone. Scorpio is ready for her fight again, At inside Grumer's ship. Andy & Greg try to find Dr.Looper, but Lord Grimer saw Kamen Rider Rocket Knight & Kamen Rider Star are at Grumer's ship. Lord Grimer glad see them, Andy ask him where is Dr.Looper?. Lord Grimer tell them that Wolfgane is got him now, so they fighting him.

Wolfgane tell Dr.Looper that he will take him as is prisoner and will destroy the city, Dr.Lopper tell him that The Riders will save the city.

Amy is still fighting Scorpio, Scorpio tell her that Grumer & Grimer will rule the world. Amy won't like that, so she using her Aqua powers to destroy Scorpio and also use her rider kick to kill her. Amy told Hank that Scorpio & Vesper are gone now, George saw Kamen Rider Aqua and then she gone.

At Grumer's ship, Andy & Greg are still fighting Lord Grimer, but Grimer is going back with Master Gumer. Andy & Greg will go after Dr.Looper and save him, So Wolfgane is taking Dr.Looper to the city. Andy and Greg saw Wolfgane took Dr.Looper, but they going back home to see Amy & Hank.

Lord Grimer told Master Grumer that two riders are in the ship, but there are left now. Master Grumer tell Lord Grimer that Scorpio & Vesper are gone, now it's up to Wolfgane to get the riders are defect them!

To Be Continued

Part 2

Amy was shock that Wolfgane got Dr.Lopper, Greg ask Andy what his next plan?. Andy tell them that he want fight Wolfgane on his own, Amy is worry about him. Hank tell Amy & Greg that Andy will be fine, so Andy will go get Dr.Lopper and save him.

Master Grumer & Lord Grimer look at the people in the city, so they sending Nintrons to destroy people at the city. At the warehouse, Dr.Lopper told Wolfgane that the riders will save him. Wolfgane tell him that he will destroy kamen riders and also Dr.Looper, but now he wants to kill Dr.Looper first. Andy is here now, Dr.Looper was happy to see him.

Wolfgane was shock to see Kamen Rider Rocket Knight, so Andy will transform to Rocket Knight. Andy is fighting Wolfgane, Wolfgane tell him that Master Grumer will rule the world. Andy won't that happen, so he using his drill mode to attack him drag to space. Andy use his rocket cycle and he transform Rocket Blast mode and target at Wolfgane to fire at him, and now Andy using rider kick to destroy Wolfgane. Andy save Dr.Looper and tell him that Wolfgane go now and they going home.

At School, George ask him where is Andy and Dr.Looper, Amy told him that they going to trip. But George don't what they talking about, so he will go spy on them. Hank Phone Amy that Andy got Dr.Looper.

Master Grumer tell Lord Grimer that Wolfgane is destroyed by Kamen Rider Rocket Knight, Lord Grimer ask him what his next plan?. Master Grumer tell him that he is ready to fight Kamen Rider Rocket Knight for final battle.

At, Looper's Lab. Everyone was happy to see Dr.Looper is returned home, Andy tell them that Wolfgane is gone now. Hank tell now it's only Master Grumer & Lord Grimer now, Dr.Looper ask kamen riders are they ready for final battle?. Andy is ready for it, so they going to find them face and them.

George is walking his own and he saw Andy, Amy & Greg are here, but he didn't know what they doing?. Andy and his friend are waiting for them, but now they are here.

George was shock to see Master Grumer & Lord Grimer are here to see George's friends, so he will watch them.

Andy tell them they are ready to fight, Master Grumer tell them this is final battle. Lord Grimer know that Master Grumer will rule the world, Andy and his friend ready for transform to kamen riders. George is very shock about that his friends are kamen riders!.

So Kamen Riders are fighting them, Greg & Amy are fighting Lord Grimer. Andy is fighting Master Grumer, Lord Grimer is attacking Greg and Amy. But Greg is using his gold mode and Amy using Aqua powers going to destroy Lord Grimer, but Master Grumer saw them to destroyed Lord Grimer. He wasn't that Lord Grimer is gone, but now it's only him and Andy told him that he won't rule the world and destroy the people.

Master Grumer tell the riders that they won't stop him!, Andy is ready and using up his riders powers for more power. Greg & Amy are helping him finish Master Grumer for good, so Andy and his friend destroy him once and for all.

Andy, Amy & Greg are glad that they gone and now, Hank & Dr.Julian Looper are happy for them. But George was happy that his friends to kill evil aliens, Amy ask George why are you here?. George told them that he will always be they friends, Greg tell him don't anyone that they are Kamen Riders. George will keep his mouth shut, Andy, Amy & Greg are laughing.

At, Looper's Lab. Dr.Looper was shock that George to see his friends are kamen riders, but they know that George will keep his secrets. Hank tell them to thank for his helped and zodiacs are gone forever, Andy ask him why is he leaving?.

Hank tell them that he wants move on and begin his new life, and everyone say goodbye to Hank.

Dr.Looper celebrate Kamen Riders to save world, and also Greg got a book of his friends they life as Kamen Riders and history them.

Saturday 14 November 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 18: Help Together


At Grumer's ship, Master Grumer tell Lord Grimer and the others that his next plan will kidnap Dr.Julian Looper, but now Jester ask Master Grumer want to fight Kamen Riders?. Master Grumer tell Jester that's fine with him, but he tell Jester that he will join Whiper as well, but he don't want to help her. If he don't help her he will destroyed by Master Grumer, Jester will do that for Master Grumer.

At School, Dr.Looper was teaching student of the stars, but George was late in school and he got his music on. Dr.Looper tell him turn his music off, but George can't hear so he turn it his music off. Dr.Looper tell him to take his sit, George ask Andy and Amy where is Greg?. Andy tell him that he got his homework to do, Amy tell Andy well done to ask George.

At, Dr.Looper's lab, Greg & Hank was build up for Andy's new equipment his new rocket knight suit. But they saw on the screen that Jester & Whiper in the city, so they going to contact with the riders.

At School, Andy's phone ringing. Andy ask Dr.Looper that he needs answer his phone?, Dr.Looper tell that's ok. So Andy and Amy ask Greg what's happen?, but it was Hank phone them and to say that Greg needs help them that Jester & Whiper fight him. So Andy & Amy will save him, Andy ask Dr.Looper that Greg wants help his homework, Dr.Looper is fine with that.

Greg is stuck, but now Andy & Amy are here to help him fight them. Jester was happy that Rocket Knight & Aqua are here, so they going to fight. Whiper is fighting Amy, Greg is fighting Nintrons, and Andy is fighting Jester. But now Whiper to ask Jester to leave and go back to Grumer's ship, but Jester wants to help her. Whiper is telling him to go, so Jester go back to Master Grumer. So Whiper is ready fight them on her own, Andy wants to fight with her on his own. Greg tell him just be careful, Andy use his drill mode to attack her and take her to outer space. So he using his Rocket Cycle and fly, Whiper tell him what his doing?. Andy will say goodbye to her, so he using his Rocket Kick and destroy Whiper. So he tell his friends that Whiper is gone.

At Grumer's ship, Master Grumer wasn't happy that Jester left her to fight the kamen riders. But Jester know that she told him to go back Grumer's ship and she wants to fight her own, but now Jester will fight Kamen Riders on his own now. Master Grumer don't want to help him anymore, so Lord Grimer know that they won't see Jester anymore.

At Looper's lab, The Riders are going to face Jester for now. Greg tell Andy that he will get his new modes for Rocket Knight suits, Fire Blast mode & Gold Shine mode. Andy say to thanks Greg & Hank, Greg tell them that Hank help him to work on Andy's new modes.

At they city, Jester try find capture one of humans. But he saw George, so he going get George instead. George was afraid of Jester got him, Jester ask him that he wants to be his prisoner. George tell Jester he wants to go home, but now Jester will going to kill him. Hank tell everyone to look at Jester, Andy know that is George. Dr.Looper tell the riders to save George, so they save him from Jester.

Jester nearly going to destroy George, but Kamen Riders are here. George was shock they here, Andy ask Amy help George to find save place. So Kamen Rider Aqua tell George to go find good save place, George is going watch them to fight Jester. Jester is happy work on his own and fight three riders, Jester going to fight them he using his cards powers to attack the riders. Greg tell Andy to use his new modes, so Andy is using Fire Blast Mode and using rocket sword to fire up, and then he attack Jester. Jester didn't what his doing, Andy using Gold Shine Mode. And now he use shining power to bright up to Jester and then his going using shine rocket sword to destroy him, Andy is very happy that Jester is gone. George was please that Kamen Rider Rocket Knight to destroyed Jester, and now he need to know who they are?. So he take his phone out to take photo of them, but they are gone.

At Grumer's ship, Master Grumer is happy that Jester is gone for good. Lord Grimer tell him that his is ready for his next plan!, Master Grumer will be ready and so he will ask Transer to capture Dr.Julian Looper and to meet him and Lord Grimer. Transer will do that for him.

At Looper's lab, Hank tell Dr.Julian Looper that Jester is really gone. But now someone is here coming to see Dr.Looper, and it's Transer. they were shock that Transer is in Looper's lab, Hank tell him to stay away from Dr.Looper. Transer is attack Hank and now he got Dr.Looper, Transer tell Dr.Looper will go see Master Grumer. So he take Dr.Julian Looper to Grumer's ship, Hank wasn't happy at all that Transer got Dr.Julian Looper.

Saturday 17 October 2020

Sunday 11 October 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Episode 17: Gives To Friends



Andy try look at all Guitars in the shop that he want to buy Greg's present, Amy ask him what his looking at Guitars?. Andy wants buy Greg's new Guitar for his birthday present, Amy will be please for Andy give Guitar to Greg.

At Gumer's ship, Master Gumer to ask Transer that he wants to break free from his human form?. So Transer tell him that he got special drink form that he will break his human form from his zodiac form to split, Master Gumer will like that. Captain Horan want to ask Wolfgane to fight Kamen Riders?, Wolfgane will do that and join him. Wolfgane tell Master Gumer that he going help Captain Horan to fight The Riders.

At Looper's Lab, Greg tell Dr.Looper that it's his birthday today. Dr.Looper tell him Happy Birthday, Greg ask him where is Andy and Amy?. Dr.Looper tell Greg that they are out somewhere.

Andy and Amy are looking at the other shops until Captain Horan and Wolfgane are here, Andy ask him why they are here?. Captain Horan tell them that they want to fight and they send Nintrons, so Andy and Amy are transform to Kamen Riders to fight them. Andy fighting Captain Horan, and Amy fight Wolfgane.

Andy trying to attack Captain Horan, so he using his powerful guitar to make Andy headache. Amy is try going save Andy, but she got headache as well. But now Greg is here to save them, Greg is going to fight Captain Horan and Wolfgane. Captain Horan tell Wolfgane go back to Grumer's ship, Greg will take Andy & Amy to Looper's lab.

At Gumer's ship, Transer got drink form and give to Master Gumer. Lord Grimer ask him will be alright?, Master Grumer tell them that he will be OK and will face his own human form. So he drink poison and his human form is come out and he release his human form out, Master Grumer finally to met his human form now. His human form tell himself why he release himself?, Master Grumer wants him get out his ship and also he will call his different name will be Hank. Hank didn't like himself at all, so Nintrons hold him and Transer send him to earth. So Captain Horan ask him that he wants back to fight again only himself, Lord Grimer tell him to good luck.

At School, George ask Greg where is Andy & Amy?, Greg tell them that they are not feeling well. So he is going back to Looper's lab, Greg ask Dr.Looper that his friends Andy and Amy will be ok?. Dr.Looper tell him that there will be sleeping, and he tell him that he must destroy Captain Horan once for all. But now Captain Horan and Nintrons are in the city, Greg will go and fight him.

Captain Horan tell Greg that it will face off for him and Greg, Greg will fight Captain Horan. So he using his Star Sword to attack him, but Captain Horan got him and so attack him as well. Greg use his gold mode, Captain Horan use his powerful guitar to attack Greg. Greg nearly got kill but his thinking that he need to destroy Horan's powerful guitar, so his using Solar Power to destroy Captain Horan and his powerful guitar. Greg was glad that Captain Horan is dead, and now Andy & Amy are back they know that Greg kill Captain Horan.

At Grumer's ship, Master Grumer and the others didn't like that Kamen Rider Star destroyed Captain Horan. Lord Grimer tell him that they will get them, Master Grumer will know that they will be ready. Greg glad see Andy and Amy are fine, Amy tell him to thanks there back. So they going back to lab and Hank saw them.

At Looper's lab, Greg was surprise his birthday today. So Andy got Greg's new guitar, Greg loves it so much. But someone at the door, so Dr.Looper will open the door. And it's Hank use to be Master Grumer's human form, Andy and the others wasn't surprise that he shown up. Hank wants to tell them he needs to help!.

Thursday 8 October 2020

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 16: The End Game 25th Anniversary Special


Andy and his friends and also Beast Morphers Rangers having good think about how to destroy Thrax?, Devon he thinks we might get some riders and rangers from the past help them to defect Thrax. At Grumer's ship, Phoenix Metallix tell Scrozzle he wants bring his Ghouls back as well. So Scrozzle send Ghouls back, Master Grummer ask Thrax to join Whiper & Jester to fight Beast Morphers and the riders as well. Lord Grimer wants Phoenix Metallix to stay, Phoenix Metallix will do that. At Looper's lab, Dr.Looper tell rangers and the riders that Thrax and the others wants them to fight, Andy, Devon and the others go to fight him. Thrax glad see them again and he tell them that Phoenix is back and now he is Phoenix Metallix, so Andy and his friends transform to Kamen Riders. Devon, Ravi and Zoey morph to Beast Morphers, (Unleashed The Beast). So Devon and Andy will fight Thrax, Greg and Ravi fight Jester, Zoey and Amy fight Whiper. Also Puttys and Nintrons are join them as well, but Thrax attacking Devon and Andy. Thrax tell the riders and rangers wants have a big battle for them, Andy tell him we are accept. At Grumer's ship, Master Grumer tell Pheonix Metallix that he needs to use his Ghouls to fight the new riders and the rangers for first time, Phoenix Metallix will like that and he wants Puttys and Nintrons to join them. At Looper's Lab, Dr.Looper ask them they need go out there fight Putty, Nintrons and also Ghouls as well, so they going fight them again. In the woods, they saw them. But Ghouls are attack The riders and rangers, so they need help!. But there is teleport again, Tyler, Koda and Ivan are here. Also three another teleports as well, Troy, Gia and Jake (Megaforce). Dan Storm (Kamen Rider Beyond), and also Alex Hitman (Kamen Rider Magic). There are save the riders and beast morphers rangers from footsoldiers, Andy and the others are shock to see Past Rangers and Past Riders are here. Dan glad to meet Andy, Andy told them that Scrozzle bring back Thrax and also Pheonix and now he is Pheonix Metallix. Alex he didn't know that Phoenix is Metallix?, so he tell them that The Riders & The Rangers must team up together to defect them. At Grumer's ship one of Nintrons tell Master Grummer that past rangers and past riders are here now!, also Master Grumer tell Phoenix Metallix that his enemy Kamen Rider Magic is here as well. Phoenix Metallix is ready now and he will join Thrax to have big battle with the Riders & the Rangers, Thrax tell Zodiacs to stay here, Master Grumer tell them to good luck. Dr.Looper phone to Andy that Thrax and Phoenix Metallix are here, Andy tell everyone to go and fight them. The Riders and The Rangers line up and face to Thrax and Phoenix Metallix, Alex can't believe that Phoenix he is Metallix now. Phoenix Metallix tell Alex this is over him, Alex and the others are ready now. Teleport are open agian that other dino charge rangers are here (Shelby, Chase and Riley) and also another teleport is John Kran (Kamen Rider Beast) they are here help them, so The Riders and The Rangers are transform. Andy, Devon, Alex and Dan fight to Phoenix Metallix, Troy and his team, and also Tyler fighting Thrax. and the others are fighting Puttys, Nintrons and Ghouls. But when Tyler attacking Thrax, Thrax nearly got killed. Thrax tell them that he will be back for another time, so his gone. Troy didn't like that Thrax is escape. the others rangers and the other riders defect Puttys, Nintrons and Ghouls. But now Alex wants to defect Phoenix Metallix again, so he use his magic fire powers to destroy Phoenix Metallix and now his gone for good. At Grumer's ship he wasn't happy that Kamen Rider Magic destroy Phoenix Metallix destroyed, Scrozzle tell him he was sorry to him. Master Grumer ask what his next plan is?, Scrozzle wants to go back to his own world. So he teleport go back to Grid Battleforce, Lord Grimer tell Master Grumer that he is gone now, Master Grumer now he wants his own plan. Andy was enjoyed defect Phoenix Metallix, Alex know that Phoenix Metallix was tough one. Dan ask Troy and Tyler is Thrax destroyed as well?, Troy tell them that he wasn't destroy. But he will be back another time, Tyler was happy to meet some other riders from past. But now teleport are opened for past rangers and riders go home, Alex tell them thanks for there helped. So him and John going back home. Also Dan will back to his place as well, Troy was glad help them as well, so him and his friends Gia & Jake go back home. And also Dino Charge Rangers go back home as well, Devon tell Ravi & Zoey that teleport for them to go back to Grid Battleforce. Andy ask him thinks Scrozzle will go back to his world?, Devon tell Andy that him and his rangers will fight Scrozzle again. Amy ask Andy what he thinks today?, Andy think it was amazing team up for his life. Greg like it as well, so there are going back home.

Sunday 4 October 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight: Episode 15 The Power is On


At Grumer's Ship, Scrozzle was happy to meet his new friends. Master Grumer wants help Scrozzle to team up with them to defect Kamen Riders, so Scrozzle we have think idea for his plans. At School, Andy ask his friends, Greg and Amy about what is Master Grumer's plan?. Greg think it will be more danger than it was before, When George hear them he knows what they talking about?. Dr.Looper ask George what his going, George tell him that he thinks is got something in his ears. At Grumer's Ship, Lord Grimer ask Scrozzle what is that?. Scrozzle got one of his Master Evox's monsters Ryjack's Reanimizer to bring back past villains, Master Grumer will like that. So they thinking who will bring back from the dead?, Scorpio tell them she wants Vypra from Lightspeed Rescue Rangers villains. So Master Grumer to show them watch her past with (Lightspeed Rescue), Wolfgane tell Scorpio know that she was killed by Lightspeed Rescue. Jester thinking about bring back with Zen-Aku from Wild Force, so they watching Zen-Aku from (Wild Force). Scrozzle know that Zen-Aku was become Merrick Lunar Wolf Ranger and later he helped Zen-Aku. But Transer know he like one of Ranger's past villains is Thrax son of Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa, Master Grumer will like that and also the others as well. So Scrozzle bring Thrax's back, Thrax was happy to returned and he glad to meet Master Grumer, Scrozzle and the others. Thrax ask them what he wants from them?, Master Grumer tell him that he going to destroy Kamen Riders, Thrax will do that. but he wants helped as well, Scrozzle will bring Putty Patrollers to help Thrax defect the riders. At Looper's Lab, Andy and the others are enjoy they moment, but Dr.Looper tell them to look at the screen. Dr.Looper know that is Thrax from Power Rangers Past Villains, and he is son of Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa. Andy thinks Master Grumer was his evil plan, so Andy and the others go to fight him. Thrax finally to meet Kamen Riders, Andy ask him is Master Grumer bring you back?. Scrozzle is here as well and tell them it was him bring Thrax back!, so Andy and his friends transform to Kamen Riders and fight him and his puttys. Kamen Rider Rocket Knight fight Thrax and the other ruders fighting puttys, but Thrax use his father's staff to attack Andy, Greg and Amy are helping Andy. But he is too powerful, something is teleport and it's Beast Morphers Rangers are going to help with Kamen Riders. Andy and the others were shocked about them are here, so Devon and his friends fighting Thrax and Puttys. Scrozzle didn't know that Devon, Ravi and Zoey are here, Devon ask him want you doing here and what's is your plan. Scrozzle don't want to tell him so he take Thrax and Puttys to Grumer's ship, Devon ask Andy and his friends are they ok?. Andy tell him that he is alright and he know Devon, Ravi and Zoey are Power Rangers. So Andy take the rangers to Looper's lab, Dr.Looper was happy to see Beast Morphers Rangers. Andy tell them that Zodiacs got there evil plans, Ravi thinks one of zodiacs teleport to Grid Battleforce bring Scrozzle back to helped Master Grumer, Andy tell Devon and the others to help them to defect Scrozzle and Thrax. At Grumer's ship, Master Grumer ask Scrozzle he likes to bring back one of Kamen Riders past villains to join Thrax, Thrax will be glad to do that. Lord Grimer ask Master Grimer what about Count Dregon, so they watching Count Dregon from past Masked Rider's villain. but Whiper tell him that he was dead by Masked Rider, Oxer thinks what about Slinder from Relic Hunter. so watching her past when she fighting Eddie (Relic Hunter), Vesper know that she back to herself as normal human. Master Grumer got good idea who he can pick one of Kamen Riders past villains!, and he chose Phoenix from Kamen Rider Magic. Scrozzle will like that, they watching his past. So Scrozzle to use Ryjack's Reanimizer, but Master Grumer wants him to upgrade his form make him more powerful. Scrozzle got metal pieces and now he bring Phoenix back, Phoenix was glad he is back and he likes his new power and also to help with Master Grumer. Oxer don't want him to join Thrax, Master Grumer didn't like what Oxer say. Oxer think its joke, but Lord Grimer don't want to help him. So Master Grumer tell Phoenix Metallix to destroy Oxer, Thrax and Captain Horan hold Oxer's arms. So Phoenix Metallix kill Oxer, Master Grumer tell him to destroy Kamen Riders and Power Rangers as well. Phoenix Metallix will be glad to join Thrax to fight them.

Saturday 3 October 2020

Things They Might Be Happen in Kamen Rider Time Hunter!


                                                              Time Travel and Mirror World

1. Kamen Rider Time Hunter Will Be Time Travel also Mirror World. So They Could Be Connected to Kamen Rider Dragon Knight and maybe characters might be returned.

Two Seasons

2. Kamen Rider Time Hunter might be having Two Season, since Magic and Mega Magic.


3. We might get hybrids could use Kamen Rider W & Kamen Rider OOO Seasons, or maybe we don't.

Future Riders

4. Hasbro might get some more Kamen Riders in the season?.

Many Episodes

5. We don't know how many episodes will be in Kamen Rider Time Hunter?.


Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 14: All We Needs Love


At School, Andy was thinking that Amy don't love him!, so he wants to left his own. Greg ask Amy is Andy alright?, Amy is bit worried about him. At Grumers ship, Master Grumer was shock that Lord Grimer has arrive to meet his Master Grumer. Also Grimers Generals are here as well, Captain Horan, Whiper, Oxer, Jester, and Carper. Transer and the others are happy to see as well, Master Grumer would like see what Lord Grimer's plan. So Whiper to send one of Lord Grimer's monster, Elexa she is use her electric wire's to control under the love spell. Master Grumer was happy, so Whiper to bring Vesper with Elexa to fight Kamen Riders. Andy was little bit upset, that he won't be in love with Amy. but now Whiper, Vesper & Elexa are here, so Andy was surprise see them, Vesper send Nintrons to help Elexa fight Andy. So Whiper and Vesper to hold Andy while Elexa use her electric wires to control Andy to fall in love with her, Elexa transform to her human form. Andy is wake up, Elexa love to meet him. Andy like to see her. Whiper and Vesper are very happy that she control with him, so they go back to see Master Grumer and Lord Grimer. At Looper's lab, Amy & Greg are waiting for Andy to come back. Andy is here now, Dr.Looper ask Andy is he alright?. Andy tell everyone that his is in love with new girl, Amy wasn't that happy. At Grumers ship, everyone are happy that Elexa love with Kamen Rider Rocket Knight. So Master Grumer ask Lord Grimer wants him to meet Kamen Riders, Lord Grimer would like that. Greg ask Amy whats wrong with her?, Amy tell him that she loves with Andy so much. Greg going to tell him. But Lord Grimer is here to meet Kamen Riders, Lord Grimer to send his general, Carper and Nintrons. Elexa is here to watch them to fight. Andy and the others transform to Kamen Riders to fight them, when Lord Grimer going to attack Kamen Rider Rocket Knight. Elexa is here to help him, Amy saw her to help him. Amy tell her to stay away from Andy, Elexa is hate her. So she transform back to her form, Amy use her sword attack Elexa's electric wires. Andy is back to his normal self, Andy knows that Elexa control him. She going attack him, but now Amy use her Sword with her Aqua powers to defect Elexa. Andy tell to thanks Amy for help him, so they going to help save Greg from Carper, Andy and Amy are here now. So Andy using his rocket pilot mode, and Greg use his Gold mode, so they using gold powers and rockets launchers to defect Carper. Lord Grimer wasn't happy that they killed Carper, so he go back to Master Grumers ship. At Looper's lab Andy say sorry to his friends, and Andy tell Amy that he love with her. Amy like him so much. At Grumer's ship, Lord Grimer ask to say sorry to Master Grumer, but Master Grumer got good plan for how to destroy Kamen Riders?. So Master Grumer wants have a big team up for all villains, He will ask Transer to teleport to Grid Battleforce and to get Scrozzle one of Beast Morphers Rangers enemies!. At Grid Battleforce, Transer to meet Scrozzle and bring back to Grumer's ship, Scrozzle was shock to meet Zodiacs. Master Grumer wants to help him and to join evil team up!.

Thursday 1 October 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 13: Amy


At School, Amy love listen to her song. But now Dr.Looper is here having he's lesson with his class students, George ask Amy to put her music away. Dr.Looper to ask his students about what is H2O, Amy try to answer with Dr.Looper. But she can't remember the question, George know its water. Andy & Greg try tell Amy don't worry about the question, but Amy knows that she is fail. At Gumer's ship, Vesper tell Master Gumer that she got a new monster and her name is Lyxer, Gumer is happy. But he wants Vesper take Scorpio with her and Lyxer, Scorpio like that so much. Transer tell them good luck, Vesper knows this is girls fight. At Looper's lab, Amy bit sad that she got all wrong with her lesson. Andy know that him and Greg will help her, Dr.Looper tell Andy and Greg that Vesper and Scorpio are in the town. Amy try to tell Dr.Looper to sorry about him that she didn't listen what the question about H2O, Dr.Looper tell her that he needs to concentrate with riders. Vesper, Scorpio and Lyxer to see Andy and Greg are here, Greg tell them is this girls fight?. Vesper know that he is right, so Andy and Greg transform to Kamen Riders and fight to them. Andy fighting Scorpio and Lyxer, Greg fighting Vesper. But Lyxer is going to use her claw and scratch Andy's body, and Scorpio to attack Andy. Lyxer going to help Vesper and she going scratch Greg's body as well, Vesper, Scorpio and Lyxer together to attack Kamen Riders. But Amy is here to help Greg and Andy back to Looper's lab, so Scorpio, Vesper and Lyxer going back Master Gumer. At Gumer's ship, Lyxer tell Master Gumer that she attack the riders, but Amy help them. Master Gumer tell her that she needs to fight them again, so Lyxer will do that. At Looper's lab, Amy ask Dr.Looper that Andy and Greg will be alright?. Dr.Looper tell her they will be alright, and he will say sorry to Amy that it's his fault. Amy tell him don't worry about it, but now Lyxer is at the city. Dr.Looper to show Amy got very special for her and it's her own rider belt, Amy love it so much. Dr.Looper tell her that is Kamen Rider Aqua, so Amy will be ready for her first fight. Lyxer see Amy again, Amy will transform to Kamen Rider Aqau. So she is fighting Lyxer, and then she attack her. Lyxer trying to fight her, but now Amy using her own rocket launch blast. rocket launch blast straight to Lyxer and then she destroy, Amy was happy and she going back to see her friends. At Gumer's ship Vesper didn't like Lyxer at all, Scorpio was thinking going to help her!, but it was Master Gumer's idea. Master Gumer is not with them they own plan. At School, Andy and Greg was shocked that Amy is a Kamen Rider, Amy know that she will help them to fight Master Gumer and his army. Dr.Looper got nice cake for kamen riders, but George is here and he is say sorry to Amy. But now he is trip himself and straight to cake on his face, Andy and the others are laughing.

Wednesday 30 September 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 12: There Something is Coming

Master Gumer and his army to meet new Zodiacs are Vesper & Wolfgane, he told them about new heroes are trying stop to his armys to destroyed the city. So Vesper and Wolfgane got there own zodiacs monster and his name is Muser, so they happy going to fight Kamen Riders. At Lopper's Lab, Andy is going to help Greg using gold mode. But didn't work out yet, Greg will do that later. Dr.Looper tell Andy and Greg that there is new zodiacs arrive in city. Vesper, Wolfgane & Muser are waiting for the riders, Andy and Greg are here now. They are happy to met them, Andy and Greg will transform to Kamen Riders. But now they going to fight them, Andy is fighting with Vesper, Greg is going to fight Wolfgane and Muser. Vesper is attacking Andy, Wolfgane and Muser use they powers to attack Greg, Greg tell Andy can't believe it. At Gumer's ship Master Gumer was please that Vesper and her crew to defect the riders, Muser ask him that he want to work his alone to fight the riders again. Master Gumer will like that, Vesper tell him be careful. Andy and Dr.Looper to see Amy help Greg using his gold mode, Greg know that his new powers is working. Muser is waiting for the riders to shown up, Greg and Andy is here again. Andy using his Rocket Pilot Mode, and now Greg using his new Gold Mode. Muser is not happy with that, Andy tell Greg that is he ready for another fight?. Greg is ready for it, so they using they powers together and to attack Muser and defect him, Andy say to Greg well done to him. Master Gumer didn't like it at all, so Vesper and Wolfgane will stay with him and his army to destroy the Kamen Riders, Master Gumer will do that for them. Greg loves his gold mode so much, Andy was happy to see Greg was like it. Dr.Looper tell them we will get Vesper and Wolfgane again.

Sunday 27 September 2020

Power Rangers Dino Fury and Kamen Rider Time Hunter characters


Russell Curry as Zayto, the Red Dino Fury Ranger.

Kai Moya as Ollie, the Blue Dino Fury Ranger.

Hunter Deno as Amilia, the Pink Dino Fury Ranger.

But we know, Chance Perez & Alexandria Nuñez still no confirmed name yet.

Joseph David-Jones as Matt Williamson, Kamen Rider Time Hunter.

Harry Shum Jr as Craig Henson, Kamen Rider Time Watcher.

William Brent as Shawn Lawson, Kamen Rider Digital Hunter.

Madison Bailey as Lydia Walker, Kamen Rider Astrolabe.

Monday 14 September 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episodes 14 - 20


All We Needs Love - Episode 14: New Zodiacs has arrive to meet Master Gumer and the others, His name is Lord Grimer. He is lord of Zodiacs, so Vesper & Whiper to use a monster to make Andy under love spell with the monster. 09/19

The Power is On - Episode 15: Andy & his friends try to fight with the zodiacs, but they need help. So Past Rangers are here, Beast Morphers will help Andy and the other riders. But Master Gumer will think something bigger and better to defect Kamen Riders and Power Rangers. 09/26

The End Game - Episode 16: The Big Battle is already begin, Devon and the other rangers to help Andy to find morphin grid to lock with the other riders and rangers in another world. Phoenix & Thrax has returned from the dead to use Lord Grimer's power, also they bring back with other villains from past rangers enemies as well. So Kamen Riders team up with Power Rangers to fight the evils. 09/27

Gives To Friends - Episode 17: Master Gumer wants to break his human form to split with him, strange person was Gumer's human form. So he take him send back to human world, Wolfgane and Captain Horan wants to fight Andy and Greg. 10/4

Help Together - Episode 18: Dr. Looper will help the Kamen Riders to fight, but Whiper and Jester to team up fight with the riders, so Transer to capture Dr. Looper take him to Master Gumer and Lord Grimer. 10/11

Countdown To Launch Pt 1 - Episode 19: Master Grumer & Lord Grimer will finally meet Dr. Looper and they might going to kill him?. But Andy and his friend going to save Dr. Looper. 10/18

Countdown To Launch Pt 2 - Episode 20: Kamen Riders will save Dr. Looper from Grumer and Grimer, Andy to face Master Grumer in the battle. 10/28

Sunday 13 September 2020

Kamen Rider Time Hunter Cast


Joseph David-Jones As Kamen Rider Time Hunter

Harry Shum Jr As Kamen Rider Time Watcher 

William Brent As Kamen Rider Digital Hunter

 Madison Bailey As Kamen Rider Astrolabe

Thursday 23 July 2020

Russell T Davies confirmed to do Armor Hero adaptation in UK

Russell T Davies will be doing writing for new season in UK 2021 for Armor Hero based on Armor Hero: Legend of Light and Shadow.
but no cast yet.

Friday 3 July 2020

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 11: Bird of the Feather

At Dr.Julian Looper's Lab, Greg is build something for Andy. Dr.Looper ask him is new mode is ready for Andy?, Greg tell him is not yet. Andy and Amy are here, Andy ask Greg what's is in secret room. Greg tell him that is secret for him, Dr.Looper tell Amy and Andy go to his classroom. At Gumer's ship, Scorpio find a monster to fight with two riders. His name is Crane, Crane tell Master Gumer that he will to control one of riders to fight each other with his feather into they body. Master Gumer will like it, Scorpio will help him. At Looper's classroom, Andy need to know what is Greg building something?. Amy don't know anything, but George tell Dr.Looper on TV there is a monster in city. Dr.Looper tell everyone go home, but he will ask Andy go to fight him, when Greg is coming to join him. Crane and Scorpio are waiting for him, Andy is here and will transform to Kamen Rider Rocket Knight. And now they going to fight him, Greg is here and going to help Andy to fight him, but Scorpio send Nintrons to get him. Scorpio tell Crane to use his feather into Greg's body. So Crane throw his feather into Greg's body and his control him and tell to kill Andy, Greg will do that for him. So Greg to fight him, Andy tell to stop fight. Greg use his solar punch to attack him, Andy try tell him to stop. Crane and Scorpio take Greg to Master Gumer, Andy wasn't happy that they got Greg. Master Gumer was happy see Greg again, Greg tell him that he will destroy Kamen Rider Rocket Knight. At Dr.Looper's Lab, Andy tell Dr.Looper and Amy that Crane control Greg to fight him. they were shock, so Dr.Looper to tell Andy that he will use a new mode called Rocket Pilot. Andy was happy and he likes it and he know that was Greg's build it for him. So Andy will go to save Greg and to Crane and Scorpio. Greg is waiting him, but now Andy is here. Crane tell him ready to fight Andy, Greg transform to Kamen Rider Star and Andy will transform to Kamen Rider Rocket Knight and they fight each other. Crane likes it, Andy see Crane's feather on Greg's back. So Andy use his rocket sword to attack Crane's feather, Greg is back to normal. Greg is happy his back and he thanks for Andy help him, Crane didn't like at all so he fight them. Andy got his new Rocket Pilot mode and transform into it, Greg tell enjoy it. So Andy use his new target at Crane and blast at him, Andy to fire with his new rocket lunch to aim fire at Crane. So rocket lunch to destroy Crane and his gone, Master Gumer saw his dead and his hate it, Transer will fight them later. At Looper's Lab, Andy gave hug with Greg to thanks him and his help, Greg always help his friends all time.

Friday 5 June 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 10: Friend Like Me

Greg i like to ask Andy that he want to join the team with him?, Andy tell him that he needs training to do!. At Master Gumer's ship, Transer send a new monster called Drago. Drago tell Master Gummer will like to destroy Kamen Rider Star, Master Gummer will like that. At School, George tell Amy and Andy he know about new rider is here. But George want to be Kamen Rider, Dr.Looper tell Andy and Amy to go his lab, George ask Dr.looper where Andy and Amy to go?, Dr.Looper tell him that is a secret to us. At Dr.Looper's Lab, Greg tell them there is new monster in the city and he want to help Andy to fight him, Andy tell him to stay here. Andy meet Drago at the city and he will transform to Kamen Rider Rocket Knight, and he's going to use his sword to attack him. But Drago use fire blast at him, but now Greg is here now as Kamen Rider Star and use his solar shield to protect Andy. Drago is going back to Gummer's ship, Greg is gald that Andy is save. But Andy is wasn't happy for Greg that he is here. Master Gummer is angry at Drago that he didn't fire at Kamen Rider Star, Drago know that Greg is saving his friend Andy. So Drago tell him he will get them again, Master Gummer know that Greg is very clever. At Dr.Looper's Lab, everyone is not happy that Greg is helping Andy. But Greg need help to training, so Andy will training for him. But now when they finished training, Amy tell them that Drago is back. So Andy and Greg go to see Drago, Dr.Looper tell them just be careful. Drago is wait for them, Andy and Greg are here and ready to transform to Kamen Riders, Rocket Knight and Star. Drago send Nintrons to fight them as well, When Andy attack Nintrons and now he's going to help Greg. Andy use Rocket Kick to attack Drago and then Greg use Solar Punch at him as well, Drago is destroy. Master Gummer is not happy that Drago is dead, and he knows that two riders are very good at it. At Dr.Looper's lab that Andy tell Greg to say sorry for him, Greg is alright for him and he like to help Andy for his help.

Thursday 4 June 2020

New Two More Characters in Hybirds 2

Tim Curry As Count Warptwist The Crooked Man, He will be the One of Main Villains.

Maia Mitchell as Glenda, The Daughter of Elle from Snow Queen 1995 film and Gerda in 2002 film, She will be One of Main Villains.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

The Hybirds 4 New Villains Kids Cast

Gianni Decenzo As Graham, Son of Count Grisham from The Scarcrow 2000 Film.

Meg Donnelly As Sara, Daughter of Snow Queen from 1995 Film and Also 2002 Film.

Chris Colfer As Nash, Son of North Wind from A Miser Brothers' Christmas & The Legend of the North Wind.

Mason Dye As Snowy, Son of Snow Miser from The Year without Santa Claus & A Miser Brothers Christmas.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

The Hybirds 4 is Coming 2021

The Cast members are coming!
Bridgit Mendler As Angelina, Miranda Cosgrove As Dora, Logan Huffman As Caser, Jonny Labey As Billy.

Paul Wesley as Daniel Zuko.

Selena Gomez As Angie, Kyle Swann As Leroy, Dale Whibley As Ralph.

Luke Zimmerman As Henry Pankley, Peabo Powell As Kenny Mansley, Amber Montana As Vera Salt, Trent Garret As Leroy Kras.

Daniel O'Donnell & Barbra Streisand As Danny & Sandy Zuko
Joyce Van Patten As Mother Abbess
Jack Griffo As Troy
Graham Candy as Matt

Liliana Mumy As Hanna
Elle Fanning as Eva
Alexandria DeBerry As Melissa Wilder
Max Carver As Brain Majors
Destiny Whitlock As Missy

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Kamen Rider Rocket Knight Episode 9: Stars are Coming

Andy got good plan to save Greg from Scorpio, Transer and Orion. Andy tell Dr.Looper that he will fight them and Amy will save Greg, Dr.Looper know that they are clever and they will know Amy will save Greg. Amy will like to come with Andy to help him, Dr.Looper tell them just be careful. At school, George went to class and there is no Dr.Looper and the others, he is bit worry about them. At Master Gumer's ship, Master Gumer ask Scorpio and Transer to go see Orion to watch Greg don't escape. At warehouse, Orion tell Greg that his friends they not coming to rescue him, Greg tell Orion that Kamen Rider Rocket Knight will save him. Scorpio and Transer are here to watch Greg, Scorpio tell Orion that if Andy will be coming they will fight him. Andy transform to Kamen Rider Rocket Knight, and Amy will go with him. So Andy and Amy ride on Rocket Cycle to get Greg. Transer tell them that Stars are coming, Greg didn't know that Stars are here. Scorpio tell him that he won't have them, Orion ask Scorpio and Transer that is he want to kill Greg. Scorpio tell him to kill him, but now Andy and Amy are here. Greg was please that they are here now, Scorpio and Transer are going to fight him. Andy tell Amy to save Greg from Orion, so Andy, Scorpio and Transer going outside to fight. Amy will save him, but Orion send Nintrons to fight her. But Greg got released from the rope and to fight Nintrons to save Amy, Andy using rocket sword to attack them. Greg try fight them, but Nintrons are very good fight him. But now one shooting star is coming, Greg make a wish and he want to become new kamen rider just like Andy. So Greg is now Kamen Rider Star, Amy is very happy to see him as new rider. So Greg is ready fight Orion to take him outside, Andy use drill mode to attack Transer. Andy, Scorpio and Transer saw new rider, Andy thinks that might be Greg?. Greg use a new Star Sword to attack Orion and now Greg is going to use new solar power to destroy Orion, Greg know that Orion is gone now. Greg tell Scorpio and Transer to go back Gumer's Ship, Andy didn't know that was Greg as new Kamen Rider. At Gumer's Ship, Master Gumer wasn't happy that there is new Kamen Rider to help Andy, Scorpio tell him that is Greg as new rider, Master Gumer not happy at all. At Dr.Looper's lab, Andy, Amy and Dr.Looper was happy that Greg is new Kamen Rider. Greg love being a hero, Andy say thanks to Greg for his help. At School, George was waiting for Dr.Looper to do lesson, Dr.Looper tell him that he got another work to do. George wants to know whats is his another job?, Andy tell him that is a secret for us. Greg tell George that he got own life, George is ok for that.

Sunday 24 May 2020

Kamen Rider Time Knights Title & Logo Confirmed as Season 9

New Kamen Rider Season 9 will be called: Time Knights.

The Story,
A New Future is Coming To Earth, a New Hero is Here as Kamen Rider Time Knights is Time Voyage Go To Travel in Time to New Evil Aliens.

Kamen Rider Time Knights is coming 2021 Next Year with New Power Rangers Dino Fury Season 28.