Monday, 31 December 2018

Monday, 17 December 2018

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Christmas Special The Poisy Show

Last Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode for this year.

And Returning Characters From Dino Charge.

Koda The Blue Dino Charge Ranger Team Up With Ninja Steel Rangers, since we saw him in Dimensions In Danger.

Sledge Is Back.


And Wrench.

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 32: Finish The Race Part 2

Professor Limer and Devlier are in The Amber City with the Combats and Robcods, Eddie and his friends are going to fight them. But Robcod and Combats are in Police Swat, now Sgt.Carr, Katherine, Louise Slinder and General Ringer are own fight with them. Eddie and the others to meet Professor Limer and Devlier, so Eddie and Kyle transform to kamen riders and then Eddie, Kyle and Rider System are fighting them. When Sgt Carr and the others are fighting Robcods and Combats, one of Robcods and Combats are taking Sgt.Carr to see Vrox and The Eyer. Katherine is not happy that Robcods and Combat Capture Sgt.Carr, When Rider System and Kyle are destroying Devlier. Professor Limer wasn't happy that they destroyed her, so his attacking Eddie down and going to kill him. But General Ringer is saving Kamen Riders from Professor Limer, Professor Limer always hates him and now he's going use his super mode. General Ringer is going to use his Gold Mode and his joining Kamen Riders, and then they destroy him. General Ringer tell The Riders that Katherine and The Other are in danger!. Sgt Carr is here at Vrox's Place and to meet Vrox and The Eyer, but Sgt Carr thinks that is General Noxar. But Vrox tells him that he's using General Noxar's body that he's going to destroy The Amber City and The Eyer going to kill people, Sgt Carr transform to Kamen Rier Formula and fighting Vrox. But The Eyer trying to kill Sgt Carr, now Sgt Carr going to use his sword to destroy The Eyer. Vrox is so cross that Sgt Mason Carr is destroyed The Eyer, now Vrox going to earth to attack people in the Amber City. Eddie and the others are here to help Katherine, Louise and Slinder, General Ringer tell Katherine that Professor Limer and Devlier are gone. But Snug tells everyone that General Noxar is here in Amber City, So Eddie, Kyle and Rider System going to fight him. Sgt Carr to phone Katherine there is danger ahead, Katherine tell Sgt Carr that General Noxar is here. But Sgt Carr tells her that is not Noxar anymore it's Vrox and he tell her The Eyer is gone. Eddie and his friends see General Noxar outside at Police Swat, Vrox tell the riders that Noxar is gone, Eddie know the voice and it's Vrox. So The Riders are fighting him, but he's too powerful. General Ringer and Slinder are here to save the riders, Vrox take Ringer and Slinder down. But Now Sgt Carr is here to fight him on his own, without his rider form. And now Sgt Carr destroy Vrox once and for all, Sgt Carr tells everyone in the Amber City that Vrox is Destroyed and his no more. Rider System tells everyone at Police Swat that he was enjoyed working with Eddie and His Friends, Rider Sytem is going back to his home planet. Eddie was enjoyed as Kamen Rider, but Sgt Carr tells Eddie and Kyle wants kamen riders belts back into box. Louise was having fun with her friends and she got her sister back, Slinder tells everyone to thanks for her bring back her memory. So Louise and Slinder are going back to there home, but Eddie want to come with them. Eddie saying goodbye to everyone even Sgt Carr, Katherine, Kyle and Ringer. Eddie tell Ringer he always been good guy and he's going to help people at Amber City, Kyle tell Eddie he always to be friends with him. Sgt Carr Tell Kyle and Snug to be first policemen's in new job. Eddie, Louise and Her Sister Slinder going home and saying goodbye to Amber City. 

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Power Rangers Beast Morphers News: More Cast, Gold Ranger And The Evil Ranger

Abraham Rodriguez As Nate and later he will be Gold Ranger.

Colby Strong as Blaze will be Evil Ranger

Liana Ramirez As Roxy

Kristina Ho As Betty

Cosme Flores As Ben

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 31: Finish The Race Part 1

General Ringer is training for ready to fight Kamen Riders, The Eyer ask Ganer and General Noxar go with General Ringer. Professor Limer was thinking about he wants fight on his own, but Devlier likes to join him ?. Slinder tells everyone that she was wrap her memory when she was young and her sister Louise, Eddie tell her that everyone will look after Slinder. Katherine tells Sgt Carr and the Others that General Ringer, Ganer and Noxar. Eddie tells General Ringer what happen to him, but General Ringer is going to fight Eddie. Noxar tells The Riders that The Eyer and Vrox wrap General Ringer's memory off, Noxar fight Sgt Carr and Kyle. Ganer fight Rider System, Eddie is still fight General Ringer try tell him if he still remember to destroyed General Twister. General Ringer now he remember every think, Noxar and Ganer is not happy that General Ringer back memory. But General Noxar is leaving, but Ganer is on his own now. General Ringer is now to destroy Ganer, and he's gone now. General Ringer tells The Riders he so sorry he been bad and he want to join them, Eddie is happy that General Ringer join The Riders. Vrox and The Eyer are not happy that General Ringer join Kamen Riders now. but General Noxar is back, Vrox tells Professor Limer wants him to transfer into Noxar's body. So Professor Limer and Devlier take to download room and Vrox is into Noxar's body, Vrox is happy that General Noxar is long gone and he is in his body. So he tells Professor Limer and Devlier to team up both to Destroy Kamen Riders, and Vrox and The Eyer will build up the Army of Combats and Robcods to destroy Amber City. General Ringer was happy that he will like help Kamen Riders to save the city, Slinder knows that she can help him to save the people from Vrox and The Eyer. Katherine saw CCTV That Professor Limer and Devlier got all the Army of Robcods and Combats going to destroy the city, Sgt Carr tells everyone that will need a big plan ?. Vrox and The Eyer are ready for big war to destroy everyone once for all. To Be Continued

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 30: Unknown Secret

Louise look her picture of her when she was young and her sister, when she went missing. Eddie ask her about her sister missing, Eddie would like to help Louise to find her sister but no name. Slinder ask Vrox and The Eyer she want fight the Riders with her help, so Professor Limer brought monster to join Slinder to fight The Riders, Monster name is Diva. Louise and Eddie ask everyone to find her sister, Louise is really missing her sister so much. But Slinder and Diva has arrive, Eddie transform to Kamen Rider Relic Hunter and to fight them with Combats and Robcods. Louise watching Eddie to fight Slinder and Diva, she would like to help him. But Sgt Carr and The Others are helping Eddie, Slinder and Diva are go back to Vrox's Place. Kyle tell Louise about see her sister yet, Louise haven't seen her. Slinder tells Vrox and The Eyer about Louise and She wants to find her, and Diva wants fight the riders. Louise go to find her sister again on her own, Eddie is trying find Louise but she's not here, Eddie tell Snug where is Louise. But he knows Louise going to her sister again, so he ask Sgt Carr he needs to find Louise. But Katherine saw CCTV that Diva is back again wants more fight, so Sgt Carr and Rider System is going Diva. Eddie tell Sgt Carr wants Kyle and Himself to find Louise, Louise is still remember about her sister went missing long time ago. Slinder is here now and she want to ask her about her lost sister, Louise don't want to tell her, so she going to fight her. Diva see Rider System And Sgt Carr are here to fight him, Diva use his rope attack Rider System. Slinder nearly to attack, but Eddie and Kyle save Louise from her. Slinder saw Louise's picture of her when was young and with her sister, Slinder's memory is coming back again. Slinder remember that picture, Louise ask her about her missing sister. Slinder tells Louise her sister that is herself, Louise was shock that Slinder is her sister. Eddie and Kyle are going to help Sgt Carr and Rider System, Slinder would like help them to fight Diva. Sgt Carr and Rider System didn't know that Slinder is sister of Louise, Professor Limer has arrive to help Diva to fight Riders. So Eddie and Slinder are fighting Professor Limer and Diva fight Rider System, Kyle and Sgt Carr. When Slinder nearly to kill Professor Limer, He tell Slinder and Eddie that big battle will begin. The Riders to destroy Diva, Slinder tells The Others that her Monster Form is no more. Slinder meet Katherine for first time, and tells everyone so sorry about she fight the riders and she wants stay with her sister. Kyle saw Eddie bit worried about General Ringer he thinks that Ringer would like to help us ?. Vrox wasn't please that Slinder back her memory with her sister. Professor Limer tells Vrox and The Eyer that final battle begin, Vrox and The Eyer think that they don't trust General Ringer. But they use him control of them!. 

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 29: Fast Food!

In Police Swat, Snug making lunch for The Riders. But Kyle don't want anything for eat, he told Snug he's find with it. Eddie try tell Kyle he needs something to eat, he don't want some. Ganer to tell Vrox and The Eyer that he got new monster, and Professor Limer brought him to meet Vrox and The Eyer, he's name is Cooker and he like to make Kamen Riders eating so much. Katherine tells everyone that Ganer and new monster in The Amber City, so the riders are going to see them. So Cooker to meet Kamen Riders and he's ready to fight, Eddie and his friends transform to The Riders. Ganer fighting Eddie and he ask him will make him to eat some foods, Eddie don't want to make himself eating foods. Cooker use his gunshot target at Rider System, but Kyle save him from Cooker's Gunshot. Kyle feels so hungry, Ganer and Cooker are going back to Vrox's place. Eddie and the others are watching Kyle eating junk food, Katherine use the scanner on Kyle's body. She tell Sgt Carr that Kyle got data bug inside his body, Eddie know that Cooker put data bug on Kyle's body to make him more eating. Cooker to tell The Eyer and Vrox that Kyle is eating food, they are happy that he's love his food. Louise give drinking water to Kyle, but he wants some more food. So Kyle is going to drink water and data bug is gone, Kyle is so much better now and he is full up. Cooker is waiting for The Riders, they are here. But Cooker didn't know that Kyle is here as well, Kyle tell him that data bug is gone and not inside his body. So Cooker is fighting them. Eddie using his Combat Mode and he gives Rider System use Mixed Mode and then they attacking him. Kyle use his Axe going to destroy Cooker, Kyle thanks to riders for help him and back to himself. The Eyer and Vrox not happy that Ganer not helping Cooker to destroy The Riders, but Ganer knows that Kyle is very clever to destroyed Cooker. Sgt Carr tell Kyle that he feel better, Kyle that his alright and he sorry to Snug that he eating foods in kitchen.

Sunday, 14 October 2018

The Hybirds 3 More Casts are Back and New Characters

Jack Griffo Reprise Role As Troy

Joyce Van Patten Reprise As Mother Abbess

Liliana Mumy Reprise As Hanna

Paul Wesley Reprise As Daniel Zuko

Daniel O'Donnell And Barbra Streisand Reprise As Danny And Sandy Zuko

Destiny Whitlock Reprise As Missy

Graham Candy Reprise As Matt

-Not Confirmed-

Elle Fanning Will Not Play Eva In The Hybirds 3

-New Characters-

Alexandria DeBerry As Melissa Wilder The Daughter of Sebastian And Mia Wilder.

Max Carver As Brain Majors The Son of Brad And Janet Majors.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 28: Silence Is Golden

Eddie tells Sgt Carr is Vrox will fight us in his Kamen Rider Suit?. Sgt Carr know he will do it again, Snug wants to know is he ready for Police Cadet. Vrox is ready for fight with Kamen Riders, Professor Limer is finished upgrade Kamen Rider Gold. So Vrox is Transfer to his Kamen Rider Gold Suit, and he wants Devlier, Ganer and Noxar to join him to fight The Riders. Eddie he need to know how to destroy Vrox's Kamen Rider Gold Suit, Katherine tells them that Vrox and The Warriors are in city. Vrox see The Riders again, Eddie and his Friends are transform to Kamen Riders and fighting Vrox and his Warriors. Eddie is fighting Vrox, Vrox tell Eddie he is more stronger. Devlier use her nail to attack Kyle, Noxar use strong punch to Sgt Carr, and Ganer use his claw to attack Rider System. Eddie to help his friends, but Vrox and his Warriors are go back they place. When Kamen Rider Gold Suit is upgrade, Vrox is back in his Suit and he want fight Relic Hunter on his own. Eddie ask Sgt Carr how he will try destroy Vrox?. Sgt Carr Give Eddie he's new mode it's Combat Mode, Eddie is like it. Vrox is waiting for Eddie coming fight him, Eddie is transform to Kamen Rider Relic Hunter and he using his new Combat Mode, and his fighting Vrox. Eddie use his Relic Sword and power maximum speed to destroy Vrox, Eddie tell his friends that Vrox is gone. But Professor Limer Vrox's Data, he know Vrox is still alive. Sgt Carr was very happy that Eddie Destroy Vrox. Professor Limer put Vrox back to his Computer Network, Vrox was very cross that Eddie destroyed His Kamen Rider Gold Suit, but he will have good plan later.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

The Hybirds 3 New Villains Kids Cast

Luke Zimmerman As Henry Pankley. The Son Of Hank Pankley. He Will Be Main Antagonist In The Hybirds 3.

Peabo Powell As Kenny Mansley. The Son of Kent Mansley. He Is Secondary Antagonist.

Amber Montana As Vera Salt. The Daughter of Veruca Salt. She Is Tritagonist.

Trent Garret As Leroy Kras. The Son of Kubla Kras. He Is Supporting Antagonist.

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 27: The Girl Is Monster

Eddie go see Louise and she thinking about her missing sister don't know where is she?, Eddie will find her together. Slinder go see Vrox and The Eyer she ask them about she want to be in monster form, so Vrox tell Professor Limer take Slinder into Machine Room and then Vrox download to her to make more powerful. So Slinder turns into monster form and then she is ready to fight The Riders. Sgt Carr give hug to Louise about she sad about her sister went missing long time ago, Katherine tells everyone look at CCTV And she thinks its Devlier in her new form, Eddie and the others go see her. The Riders see Devlier in the city, but she's not Devlier it's Slinder with her new from. Eddie and the Others didn't know that is Slinder with monster form, and then they transform to Kamen Riders. Slinder bring Combats and Rodcods to fight them, Devlier and Ganer watch her. Slinder is too powerful and nearly to destroy Eddie. But Kyle save him from her, when they finish fighting Slinder go back to Vrox's place and get more energy. Eddie tells Louise that Slinder got new monster form, Louise was shock about that. Slinder was happy got her new form, Devlier tell her she will watch her what's going on, Slinder ask General Ringer she like to help him to fight The Riders themselves for later. Kyle tell Eddie about Louise's Sister, Eddie don't know much about her. But Louise tell Eddie about it, when they nearly go back to Police Swat. Slinder is back to fight Eddie again, he ask her about Louise's Sister. Slinder don't want to know, Kyle is helping Eddie and then Sgt Carr and Rider System are here. Eddie use his Relic Sword and he's got new energy power is Maximum Speed, and he attack Slinder. But Slinder is still alive and go back to Vrox. Slinder tell Vrox and The Eyer about Eddie's new power, they not happy about it. But She will get them later, The Eyer ask Vrox there strange about her?. Slinder got somethink in her memory but she don't know whats going on with herself?. Louise still feel lonely about her sister, Eddie tell her we will help you and Louise say thank you to Eddie.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Another New Cast for Beast Morphers and Episodes Confirmed

Colby Strong as Blaze
Liana Ramirez as Roxy
Abraham Rodriguez as Nate
Kristina Ho as Betty
Cosme Flores as Ben

And Episodes 22 For Next Year.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Four New Kids Villains in The Hybirds 3

Henry Pankley Is The Son of Principal Hank Pankley From The Legend of Frosty The Snowman
Kenny Mansley Is The Son of Kent Mansley From The Iron Giant
Vera Salt Is The Daughter of Veruca Salt From Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Leroy Kras Is The Son of Kubla Kras From Jack Frost (Animated Film)

But no Casts yet for these four new kids in Next Year of The Hybirds 3 (2019).

Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Hybirds 3 Is coming 2019

All Casts will reprise they role in Third Movie for next year.

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 26: The Gold

Eddie is thinking about what General Ringer did to destroyed General Twister, Louise tell him that General Twister gone now and next move on. The Eyer ask Vrox thinking about if Vrox was a Kamen Rider, Vrox will like it. Professor Limer got Kamen Rider Gold The New Evil Rider, Slinder and the others are like it so much. So Professor Limer put wireless cable into Vrox's computer network transfer to Kamen Rider Gold, The Eyer ask Vrox is it working. Vrox know it's' working now and he will fight with Kamen Riders. Eddie thinks Vrox will plan War, Sgt Carr don't know yet. Katherine tells the others look at on CCTV, and they saw New Kamen Rider. Eddie and the others go see him. Eddie and his friends to meet new Kamen Rider Gold, Kyle can hear Vrox's voice. Eddie didn't know Vrox is Kamen Rider, so they transform to Kamen Riders and they fighting him. Vrox was nearly to kill Eddie, but Sgt Carr save him from Vrox. Vrox haven't seen Sgt Mason Carr for long time, so Sgt Carr was going to fight him. But Vrox is going back to his place. At Police Swat Kyle tell Sgt Carr, who's got that Kamen Rider Gold Suit?. Sgt Carr he don't know who brought it, Eddie will fighting him again, Sgt Carr tell him he's very dangerous enemy of us. Slinder ask Vrox he's is like his suit, Vrox love in it. Vrox tell Slinder would like help him to Kamen Riders, Slinder will be happy to help Vrox. Katherine tells Sgt Carr and the others that Vrox is back and his with Slinder, Eddie and his friend are back for another fight and they transform to Riders. Kamen Rider System and Kyle are fighting Slinder, Eddie and Sgt Carr are fighting Vrox. Eddie using his Wild type speed and Rider System using Relic mode and they attacking them. but Slinder and Vrox nearly destroy, but they go back to Vrox's place. Vrox is go back to his computer network when Professor Limer is doing Kamen Rider Gold to rebooted, Vrox will go back to His Rider Suit later. Sgt Carr tell everyone that Vrox is ready for another fight with us.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Kamen Rider Relic Hunter Episode 25: The Twister

In The Amber City is very bad weather windy day, Eddie saw it at the window and he didn't like the weather. Kamen Rider System is back from doing helping peoples signals on high voltage power lines, He knows it still doesn't work no signal at all. General Twister is ready for bad weather, They Eyer knows its he's turn for fight Kamen Riders. Devlier will like help with him, But General Twister wants to be his own. Katherine shown every its vacuum weapon, so that will have very windy day will be gone, Snug tells the others to look at CCTV its General Twister. General Twister see everyone in Amber City and his using tornado power, and Eddie the Others are here they transform into Riders. And they fighting Robcods and Combats, Sgt Carr is getting ready for it using new vacuum weapon. Vacuum Weapon is sucking General Twister's Tornado. Twister is going back to Vrox's Place and everyone are save, So they are thinking plan how to destroy General Twister. Eddie wants using drill mode go inside Twister's Tornado, Sgt Carr thinks its to dangerous for him. Eddie will like to do he don't want everyone getting hurt, Twister getting Angry. But General Ringer ask him He wants his power's back, Twister would like it again. And he gives him new Tornado power, General Ringer knows it will be is last one today. Eddie and The Others see General Twister is back, General Ringer is ready for more fighting with them. General Ringer and Slinder are watching him to fight the riders, Sinder ask him what his going to do with General Twister, General Ringer tells Slinder that when Kamen Rider Relic Hunter nearly destroy Twister he's going to destroy Twister for Him. General Twister is using his new Tornado Power and Eddie is ready go inside Twister's Tornado, General Twister using his Tornado Kick. But Eddie got his Drill Mode and Attack Him, General Twister didn't like it. he was going attack him, but General Ringer Destroy Him for Eddie. General Ringer will be back soon, Kamen Riders didn't know whats going on. The Eyer wasn't happy that General Twister is gone, Slinder saw General Ringer destroyed him, The Eyer didn't like it. But Vrox know that General Ringer is he's first general. Noxar, Ganner and Devlier knows that General Twister is gone. Everyone at Police Swat were happy and celebrate that Twister is no more, Sgt Carr know that the the others will get us as well. Louise see Eddie thinks Eddie don't know what's wrong with General Ringer and they somethink strange about it ?.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

The Hawks Episodes 10

Episode 1: Return Old Foe 23/09
Jake McGill Was Lonely Person in his Home, and so will thinking back as A Hawk.

Episode 2: First Lesson 6/10
Jake McGill Trying get back With The Hawks. So he pick Troy Mizzer, Training as a Hawk in Hockey Team. Charlie Conway didn't know that The Hawks are back and also Jake McGill His Old Enemy.

Episode 3: Never Give Up! 13/10
Troy trying getting Skills right, Jake he need get some more new members of The Hawks , Troy thinking about get his friends to Join The Hawks.

Episode 4: The Mighty Quack 20/10
Charlie will not having this that The Hawks are Back. Charlie find new bloke Eddie McGill is Crime boy stealing ever thing, Eddie to meet dad Jake again.

Episode 5: Ducks Fly Back 27/10
Eddie asking Charlie about Ice Hockey, so Charlie tells him join The Mighty Ducks. Jake tells he's own Hawks team about use to be Captain of Hawks, but now he is new manger.

Episode 6: New Kid 3/11
Jake look to Find at Junior Hockey Players, a new kid name is Simon Braw ask Jake like join The Hawks?. Charlie will become the new Manager of The Duck, Arron Conway would like Eddie as New Captain of The Ducks.

Episode 7: Changes 10/11
Oliver Cross ask Eddie and the others wants to join them and he's sorry as well about bully from school, and never be friends with Craig and Damian.

Episode 8: Face To Face  17/11
Eddie Would ask Charlie like go out date with Jade Snow. But Troy saw him taking her out for meal, Later Charlie didn't know about Eddie's dad is Jake McGill. Jake was shock about Eddie is a Duck, He tell his its going be match for Ducks and Hawks.

Episode 9: Big Match 24/11
Jake don't want to see son now, he concentrate to his team. When they battle each other, Simon saw rerun and he tells Jake he is quit as hawks. So Later he will join The Ducks.

Episode 10 Final Round 1/12
Big Battle for The Hawks Vs The Ducks, when Scar hitting Sam and Eddie each other. Jake was cross to Scar, Scar wants to do that. At The End of final round match,  Between Troy and Eddie.

And They Add new cast in The Hawks Series

Luke Zimmerman As Harry Reading. He is bit strange person and best of Ethan Johnston And Troy Mizzer, He like join The Hawks but he doesn't work for him.