Sunday, 28 April 2019

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Kamen Rider Beyond Episode 13: Best Friends

Colonel X tell Scratch and Crocox have a meeting, Henry want to join them. But Colonel X don't want him to join them, so Henry listen them about him that they will destroy him and take his Kamen Rider Vent belt away, Henry didn't like that at all. Dan was thinking about Henry and he tell his friends and Queen Sera that he will like to join with us as a team, Eric thinks that Henry will stay with Colonel X forever. Henry wasn't happy with Colonel X with his evil plan to destroy him, Colonel X tell him that he won't join with them anymore. So he send Scratch and Crocox to fight with him, but Henry got away from them. Colonel X tell them to follow him, Scratch and Crocox will catch him. Brandon tell Fish that him and Fish will find someone about Kamen Rider Vent, but Mr.Frinch ask them where there going?. Brandon tell him that there will go find someone who is Kamen Rider Vent, Mr.Frinch will like that. Henry will go hide but he don't see Scratch and Crocox catch him, but there are coming now. Scratch tell Henry that its over for him, but Henry will transform to Kamen Rider Vent and fight them. Crocox use his snapper powers to attack Henry, but Dan and Eric are saving him from them. So they fighting them, but Scratch use his sword to attack Dan and they gone back to Colonel X. But Dan and Eric don't where is Henry?, Henry go find where is safe for him. Brandon and Fish meet Henry and tell him about who is Kamen Rider Vent?, Henry tell them think Kamen Rider Vent don't want to tell anyone who he is. Dan tell Queen Sera that he trying to ask him that he can join us, Queen Sera thinks that Henry wants have time his own space. Dan tell them that him and Eric will go look for him before Scratch and Crocox will destory him. Colonel X didn't like that Dan and Eric save him, Crocox tell that him and Scratch will kill him again. Henry trying think what is best for him?, Dan and Eric are here. Henry tell him that he wants left alone, Dan like to ask that will like to join with him and Eric. But Scratch and Crocox are here, Henry is not happy with them. So he will like to join with Dan and Eric, they are going to transform to Kamen Riders to team up. Scratch and Crocox are shock that Henry join with them, Scratch send The Shockers to attack them. Scratch fighting Dan, Crocox fighting Eric, and The Shockers fighting Henry. When Henry finished with The Shockers his going to help with his new friends, so he tell Dan to use his gun and they to blast them. But Scratch and Crocox didn't like that at all, Dan tell Henry to say thanks for his help. Colonel X so cross with them and he don't like Henry at all, Scratch tell him we will fight them next time. Dan and Eric take Henry to Island of Tuba to meet Queen Sera, Laura and Kayla, Queen Sera and Girls are so happy that Henry is here. So Henry will join his new friends and they will fight Colonel X and his army.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Kamen Rider Beyond Episode Guide 19 - 20

Episode 19: Big Battle 8/6
Dan try have good plan to defect Colonel X, but Scratch & Crocox will face The Riders to fight.

Episode 20: Final War 15/6
The Riders will face Colonel X in the final battle and try to destroy him.